About Us
Our Mission
We make geospatial technologies for science more accessible and understandable by fostering relationships between communities and scientists, of all ages, across the globe.
Our Core Values in Action
We respect, appreciate, and engage with all forms of knowledge.
We connect science and society by developing meaningful relationships.
We actively develop inventive solutions to social and environmental challenges.
We inspire the next generation to drive change.
Our History
We were founded in July 2015 in Orlando, Florida and moved to Auburn University in July 2024. We received a 2017 Esri Special Achievement in GIS Award winner (one of four higher education awardees worldwide that year). We began with a simple premise: science could be better at including community voices and better at amplifying the knowledge of communities.
Along with our partners, we’ve received over $4.75 million in grant funding from the U.S. National Science Foundation, National Geographic, other agencies/foundations. We look forward to the future of science in an intentionally positive and always aspirational manner.

What We Do
Powered by our geospatial technology research and education initiatives, we:
use interdisciplinary research methods to improve upon community-defined needs, assets, and goals;
collaborate to develop and share transparent information;
provide support for residents, communities, and students to engage in the processes of through exploration;
conduct fieldwork and workshops with interested groups across the globe.