Florida Mapping Activity at Home!
On this week's Maps, Apps, & Drones Virtual Tour activity we are bringing back our National Geographic Giant Florida Map for a fun-filled mapping activity! This activity should take around 30 minutes to do and can be completed by printing out the materials or working directly from your computer or tablet.

National Geographic Society- Giant Florida Map
Variation 1:
Crayons or Colored Pencils
Begin by first downloading the worksheet we will be working off of and the Florida Map.
Virtual Giant Map Worksheet PDF
National Geographic Giant Florida Map Print-out
After answering questions directly onto the worksheet scroll down to access the answer sheet and check your answers.
Variation 2:
Microsoft Word
If you will not be printing out the activity and instead be using your computer or tablet download the Microsoft Word version of the map.
Follow this link: Virtual Giant Map to open the worksheet with Microsoft Word online.
Preferably, download the Virtual Giant Map file onto your computer and open using Mircosoft Word.
Question1: Under the 'Insert' tab find the Shapes option under the Illustrations section and locate the triangle, square, and circle shapes to follow question #1 directions.
Question2: Under the same 'Insert' tab locate the Text Box option under the Text section. All the way at the bottom of the drop-down menu select Draw Text Box. Use this option to follow question #2 directions.
Matching Section: Under the 'Insert' tab locate the Shapes option used before and locate the Line shape. This will allow you to answer questions in the matching section.
Download the answer sheet here:
Be sure to share your final worksheets with us on our social media!