Ask questions. This is the first and very important step of the scientific method. The value of asking questions, about ourselves and the world around us, is priceless. By asking questions, this may lead to a learning experience and, perhaps, even a new discovery! There was no shortage of questions at St. John Vianney Catholic School. Students and teachers alike were curious about the Why's, What's, Where's, When's, and How's of Maps, Apps, and Drones. It was a natural curiosity and wonder within them that sparked their excitement to become hands on and learn about the benefits of technology in society. One 6th grade student, in particular, wanted to learn what all of the control options for the drones were and why drones are used. Another 5th grade student was curious as to how GIS is gathering data from his surroundings and when can he be involved with GIS when he goes to college. Where wonder exist, questions will be asked and, soon, discoveries can be made. Whether the discovery is about a huge scientific breakthrough or, simply even, a student realizing their passion for science, these findings are what leads to changes and positive impacts in our world.
Students participate in drone flying and map digitizing activities