UCF STEM Day Tour Stop a Success
The Maps, Apps and Drones Tour signed the week off on a high note with the University of Central Florida's annual Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) day.
UCF's STEM Day invites schools from all over Central Florida to come and get excited about STEM topics with hands on learning, a similar goal to the one our Maps, Apps and Drones Tour aims to spread to schools around Florida.

During each school's "maptastic" session on the Maps, Apps and Drones Tour, students were invited to try the AR Sandbox, explore the map with a Sphero Robot, take a test flight with Parrot Mambo mini-drones, and create their own maps with the tour's very own drone imagery of islands in Belize.
The AR Sandbox taught students about elevation, topographical features, contour maps and more through the interactive medium of sand.
Student testing elevation hypotheses over the AR sandbox. -
The house high atop the AR sandbox mountains. -
Students creating AR contours in the sandbox. Photo credits: tylercopelandphoto.com
The tour's Sphero Robot taught students the basics of coding and spatial analysis while allowing them to take a test drive around the map.

After strapping on their safety goggles, students were able to fly the tour's Mini Drones, which showed them the ins and outs of what it takes to collect drone imagery.
Finally, students were able to learn the four key elements of a map and what it means to digitize a map feature with the tour's own drone-collected images of Belize.
Map making. Photo credot: tylercopelandphoto.com

Missed us on STEM day, but still want to see your students transformed into Citizen Scientists on our Maps, Apps and Drones Tour? We'll come to you! Sign up here to experience science come to life in your classroom: